Photo Gallery
For each event/photo below, click within the photo to view full screen and see more photos from that album.
2023 End to End
The E2E was well attended and completed over several weekends. We even had 3 generations in one family of hikers participating.
2022 SBTC Spring Social
On May 8, almost 40 Club members enjoyed our Spring Social event at the recently-acquired Lindenwood Pond Nature Reserve. Our hike leaders provided 3 different hikes to explore this beautiful property. Thank you to our many donors who helped acquire this latest addition to the Bruce Trail Conservancy conservation corridor along the Niagara Escarpment!
2019 Bruce Trail Day
October 6, 2019: For Bruce Trail Day, we celebrated the Trail at Kemble Rock and Kemble Wetland. Several visitors as well as Club members came out to enjoy hikes to the Wetland and on the Escarpment trails.
A big welcome to the new members who joined Sydenham Club that day! And thanks to Ontario Power Generation (OPG) who sponsored promotional Guidebooks as well as snacks and drinks for the participants!
2019 End to End Hikes
October 6, 2019 was the final hike of our 2019 End-to-End series. The finishers hiked, danced, clapped, and laughed their way to the Pavilion in Wiarton, to receive their well-earned green E2E Badge.
SBTC End to End 2015
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the 2015 SBTC E2E another very successful event. Everyone – the Parking Attendants, Checkpoint / Endpoint Staffers, Bakers, Sweeps, Rovers – did a terrific job which is greatly appreciated. There were 126 registered hikers of which 74 earned the “Blantyre to Wiarton – Sydenham End-to-End” badge. This is one of our clubs biggest fundraisers. It could not have been done without your help.